Saturday, October 23, 2010

My fiance still wets the bed.?

He is 19, almost 20. He has had this problem all his life. He has seen therapists and taken medication to stop it. He also doesnt drink for two hours before bed, and makes a bathroom stop right before settling down. Please, only serious comments. Hes perfectly normal, this is his only problem. What do you suggest?My fiance still wets the bed.?
He is probably a very heavy sleeper.
I found this:
Tofranil (imipramine) is used to treat depression. It is a member of the family of drugs called tricyclic antidepressants.
Tofranil is also used on a short term basis, along with behavioral therapies, to treat bed-wetting in children aged 6 and older.
adult diapies
good nites
a sheet that rings a bell or sets off an alarm when he pisses
a plastic bodysuit
a cockring
I would consult more doctors there's got to be some medical help out there for him.
I think that every like 3 hours you could wake him up for him to to the bathroom. it could help enough that he could end up getting up on his own try it and tell what happens. you should try for 3 weeks.
I had a problem with sweating. I would sweat from my armpits contsantly and it was really embarrasing. I went to the doctor and talked about it, after that I talked to a few other people about it. Eventually, I think that recognizing the problem and talking to other people about it, it went away. I think I just had to be comfortable. Because his problem is quite embarrasing, maybe he should see a shrink?

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