Saturday, October 23, 2010

My armpit hurts!?

what could it be?My armpit hurts!?
Any number of things. Is it muscular? You have perhaps strained it by lifting something or lying in a funny position (hands behind your head). Is it sore to touch or are there any lumps - it could be swollen lymph glands - a symptom of Glandular Fever or an infected hair follicle. I could go on like this all day. Best get a doctor to check it out if you are worried.
Could be a problem with your glands. See your doctor if it persists.
A muscles strain, a cyst, a blocked lymph node, a growth, a sports injury
any number of things, Go see your GP
My armpits hurt at one point, all I did was change my deodorant and it stopped. Maybe you should try that
Have a gentle feel around to see exactly where it hurts if you can feel like a boil you may have a cyst which can really hurt If it still hurts tomorrow get it seen to don't leave it to long
My best bet would be you got a boil or abscess collection. Is there any swelling or redness? Sometimes the sweat glands or the sebum glands could get clogged up and the sweat or the sebum accumulated and became infected, thus explaining the pain.
Go to a doctor for confirmation.
In rarer situation, you can get infected lymph nodes that can also presented with pain, swelling and redness. If it is infection, you may need antibiotics or even surgical evacuation of the pus. So, it is best if you seek advice from your doctor.
see a doc
It could be a lot of things or nothing. Wait a few days to see if it gets worse or goes away.

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