Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lortab side effects and addiction?

My boyfriend is on Lortab for back pain. I think he is having side effects from it, but he says no. He has been on it for several years, long before I ever came in the picture. He never sleeps more than about 30 minutes at a time. He has virtually no sex drive anymore. I assume this because I am always promised some "us time" after his son goes to bed or when he goes back to his moms. I am still waiting. He has been to the emergency room for severe stomach pains. They can't find anything wrong. When he ran out and couldn't get refills or any from his friends until the refills could be given, he was going through severe night sweats. He was kicking and tossing and turning and couldn't stay asleep. I assume these are side effects and that he is addicted. How do I let his doctor(s) know so they can change his meds, without him knowing I had anything to do with it?Lortab side effects and addiction?
yikes! Lortab is a very potent opiate derivative and yes, very addictive. His with drawl symptoms are similar to heroin with drawl. Also, it can make one very sick to the stomach.
Perhaps you could write a letter to his prescribing physician telling all that you have said in your question here. I wonder what kind of doctor would prescribe something so strong for so many years. You may be saving him from years of misery. Good luck.
go to google type lortab,to much info for this page
i like them alot
and yes he' sounds like he's addicted
you can call his doctor and give a heads up and ask him not to say that you told him or you can be strong for him and tell him how u feel and u are worried or both!! good luck

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