Sunday, October 17, 2010

Looks like a bruise but.?

I have a large spot on my ankle that looks like a bruise but it's been there for about 2 months now. Can a bruise last that long? If it's not a bruise any other ideas of what it could be? It doesn't hurt or itch or anything.
And yes I will ask my doctor too but I don't go in till next month so just curious if anyone on here had any ideas.Looks like a bruise but.?
I've had a bruise for a month or so but it was the size of my calf muscle.
a witch must of tried to suck your soul but you know thats just a theory my sister had the same thing but it looked more red than blue
Certainly its not a bruise.This size bruise wont last longer.It could be just a skin discoloration or may even a cavernous/capillary haemangioma which is caused by a large,dilated venous plexus underneath the skin.
Whatever may be the condition it shouldn't cause any harm to you.
Still,have a second opinion!!

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