Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Monkey's Blood?

There's a reddish medicinal liquid that is commonly used on minor cuts and scrapes, and as a child, I was taught that it was called 'Monkey's Blood.' Similar to Jenisen (sp?) Violet. Anyone know what the real name of the product is? I'm pretty sure it's still on the market, but when I ask the pharmacist, they look at me like I'm crazy.Monkey's Blood?
The first answer is right about what it's really called, but I think it's spelled Mercurochrome. I wondered too whatever happened to it. We called it Monkey Blood as kids, and there was another medicine called Merthiolate, that also stained your skin red, but the difference between "Monkey Blood" and Merthiolate was that the Merthiolate stung, and the Monkey blood did not. Most people I talk to do not remember Monkey Blood, in fact my husband thought I was nuts when I told him about it.
Here's some info. I found:
Muccurochrome? I believe that they took that off of the market due to it containing some kind of chemical or metal such as mercury. It was quite effective except for the health risks that we later found out about ;) We stopped using it after the news broke. I'm not sure if they took out that substance and put it back in stores or not though.

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