Sunday, October 17, 2010

Localized headache pain near temples?

About 2 weeks ago I was really really sick w/ what I belive was a sinus cold. I took it easy for a few days and since then i've had this general headache. Everytime I bend down and the blood rushes to my head near the temples hurt, and when I sneeze especially It feels like my head is exploding on the sides. Its been like 2 weeks, I was jsut wondering if anyone else has had this or if it is part of my sinuses acting up. My nose has been really stuffy lately also, no throwing up or fever ect...Localized headache pain near temples?
I recommend non-drowsy Sudafed or similar OTC products. It does sound like a sinus infection, but bear in mind that a common cold usually takes 7-10 days to really go away. You're probably at the tail end of it.
Other possible causes:
pre-Migraine headache
elevated blood pressure
weather-related air pressure issues (like when the air gets heavy before a thunderstorm)
If your sinuses are sensitive like mine, the weirdest things can affect them. If this is new to you (sounds like it is), try an over the counter medicine designed specifically for sinus relief.
Feel better!!
its a sinus infection. i get them all the time.
i sneeze a lot and my temples hurt and my throat is all scratchy.
go to the doctor and he will give you some antibiotics and you will feel better :)

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